If you’re going through a divorce, you might be anticipating the child support issue. When you and your soon to be ex-spouse have children, a custody agreement is necessary. The agreement will also likely contain a child support order.

Custody Impacts Which Parent Pays Child Support

The first step in protecting the best interests of your children is to determine which parent will maintain primary custody, or if both will share it. There are many factors that go into making this decision, so it is important to have a legal professional help you secure the best agreement for your children.

Some of the factors that may impact custody negotiations include:

  • parental income and job stability;
  • location of child’s school in regard to each parent’s residence;
  • relationship between each parent and child;
  • age of children;
  • preferences of children;and
  • needs of children with health conditions.

Once a child custody agreement is developed, the amount of child support paid by the non-custodial parent is calculated based upon Texas child support laws.

Child Support Calculated Based on Income and Number of Children

The Texas laws for child support set the guidelines for how much money the non-custodial parent must pay and for how long. The basic formula for calculation is that a percentage of the non-custodial parent’s income is taken based upon how many children he or she is legally obliged to support. This includes the number of children included in the child support order plus children from other child support orders.

Currently, percentages are based upon the non-custodial parent having a net monthly income less than $7,500 and amount to:

  • 20 percent for one child;
  • 25 percent for two children;
  • 30 percent for three children;
  • 35 percent for four children
  • 40 percent for five children;and
  • no less than 40 percent for six children.

There are exceptions to these rules, such as there is split or joint placement or multiple children in different households. Additional support may be required after the child turns 18 if the child is disabled, and conversely, if the non-custodial parent is disabled the child may be entitled to benefits through Social Security.

Our Attorneys Can Help Ensure Your Child Support Settlement is Fair

Whether you are the custodial or non-custodial parent, ensure you arrive at a fair plan for child support. Above all, the best interests of your children should be the main focus of all of your child custody and support agreements.

Calculating child support in Texas is not always a one-time event. A parent may lose a job, become disabled, or remarry All of these events may be cause for an adjustment to your child support order. A legal professional can help you handle modifications.

Contact The Law Office of Julie Johnson today to schedule a consultation regarding your case: 214-265-7630.