According to research performed by Pew Research Center, remarriage becomes more common the older that we get. Of course, this happens for multiple reasons. It is estimated that around 43% of adults between the ages of 25 and 34 years old get remarried; adults between the ages of 35 and 44 years are 57% more […]
Family Law Articles
Contested Divorce, Uncontested Divorce, Collaborative Divorce: An Easy to Understand Primer
Divorce isn’t easy even if it is a necessity. It can be emotional, expensive, stressful, and confusing. Here at The Texas Divorce Lawyer blog, we want to make family law, including divorce, easier to understand. In this post, we’re going to explore the three most commonly used terms: contested divorce, uncontested divorce, and collaborative divorce. […]
Do Grandparents Have Legal Rights to Visitation in Texas?
Divorce and break-ups don’t just affect the couple or their biological children. It can also be a devastating event for the grandparents. If one party gets custody and chooses to cut ties with the grandparents associated with their former spouse or significant other, the children may also be denied a relationship with their grandparents. As […]
Divorce After 50: Key Considerations for Dallas Couples
There is a rising trend in the Dallas / Forth Worth area in family law: couples married for decades are filing for divorces. The median age of each person is just over 50 years, and many were married for at least 15 years. At this stage in life, the couple is fairly well-established in their […]

The Amazon Divorce: How a Prenup Could Have Helped Make the Process Much Easier
Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, and his wife of 25 years, MacKenzie, are getting divorced. While the two stated they plan to keep things amicable, divorce, more often than not, brings out the worst in people. With allegations of cheating and $137 billion on the table, the Amazon divorce, which is taking place in […]

7 Tips For Talking To Kids About Divorce
When a marriage starts, both parties are committed to making their relationship a “happily ever after.” But, unfortunately, that just can’t happen every time. 40%-50% of marriages in the US end in divorce. And a lot of kids are caught in those crossfires. If you make the decision to divorce while your children are still young, you might not […]

Life After Divorce: Should You Seek Therapy?
Over 70 000 divorces happen in Texas each year, yet the break down of a marriage and life after divorce can seem like one of the loneliest and overwhelming experiences in life. Even the most amicable divorces leave those involved with lingering issues and some baggage. It can have an impact on every other area of your […]

What are the Laws Pertaining to a Military Divorce
Between the long tours away from home and the new expectations of family life, 22 percent of active military members expect to be divorced this year. While the facts of each relationship will differ from couple to couple, the laws pertaining to a military divorce can be just as complicated. Depending on where you live and what […]

8 Tips for Navigating a Peaceful Divorce
Coming to the decision that you need a divorce is painful, scary, and overwhelming. The way the media portrays divorce doesn’t help! Your divorce proceedings don’t have to be that way. There are couples who have peaceful divorces and minimize the pain for all parties. Learn eight ways to copy their success below. 1. Keep […]

How to Make it Through a Divorce Without Jeopardizing Your Job
Every year, there are more than 800,000 American couples who choose to get divorced. So if you and your spouse have recently decided that divorce is the best option for you, you should know that you’re not the only one going through it. But even though you’re not alone in making the decision to divorce, trying to […]