Those individuals who have reached retirement age, and who paid into Social Security throughout their working years, are entitled to Social Security retirement benefits. In the event that an individual who is a recipient of Social Security benefits gets a divorce, questions about whether or not these Social Security retirement benefits will be considered in […]
Family Law Articles
Tips for Coordinating Child Visitation during Holidays
It’s hard for any parent to be without their children for any length of time, regardless of child custody arrangements, particularly during the holidays. There are three main things that you can do to make child visitation during holidays easier. Keep your spirits high during holidays when your kids are visiting their other parent by […]
Alimony and Pension Benefits
Property division is one of the most difficult and complicated aspects of divorce. Pension accounts are considered a marital asset and will be subject to equitable distribution. The divvying up of a pension account requires astute attention to legal details because it’s so easy to make costly mistakes. If you are going through or contemplating […]
What is the difference between child custody vs. guardianship?
Guardianship and custody are often incorrectly used interchangeably, despite the fact that they are not the same thing. If you’re a parent in Texas, or a person who is seeking child custody vs. guardianship of a child, here’s what you need to know about the distinction between the two terms. Texas Conservatorship Laws The first […]
Do courts favor mothers more than fathers in child custody?
The court must weigh some factors such as monetary advantage or schooling in determining with whom the child should live but whether the parent is the mother or the father has nothing to do with child custody. However, it’s not uncommon for separating dads to wonder, do courts favor mothers more than fathers? To put […]
Learn to Support Yourself after a Divorce in Texas
Many non-working spouses like homemakers find themselves financially devastated after a divorce. Divorce, in fact, is a major financial turning point for women, who, on an average, experience a 7 percent drop in income after divorce. Child support and alimony payments may be temporary. Once those checks stop coming in, you may have to learn […]
Protecting Family Heirlooms During Divorce in Texas
Family heirlooms are valuable not only in their monetary worth, but also their sentimental value. This often makes them a very sensitive issue during a divorce. How to go about protecting heirlooms from property division during divorce is quite complicated because it’s dependent upon multiple factors, including how you acquired the items and whether or […]
Events That Could Cause You to Lose Alimony
When you are awarded alimony payments from your ex-spouse in a Texas divorce case, you’ll need to watch your actions to ensure you don’t lose alimony. There are two types of maintenance in Texas: court ordered and contractual. The court ordered spousal support has a distinct end date, but that end date can be pushed […]
What You Should Know about Divorce and Credit Score
Divorce isn’t only an emotional process that can leave you feeling drained; it can also wreak havoc on your finances, too. If you have joint accounts, loans, and credit cards—as married couples do—you need to protect your investments from separation. Here’s what you need to know about how divorce and your credit score may be […]
Changing Spousal Support When Ex Loses His or Her Job
During a divorce, the court often orders one spouse to pay spousal support—or alimony—to the other spouse. Alimony is determined using some factors, with the income of both spouses being one of them. The more economically secure person will support the less financially stable person. As the loss of a job often means changing spousal […]